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Instructions for Author

The procedure for participating in the ICCBIKG 2023 conference, as well as submitting a paper, is carried out following steps listed below:

  • The first step involves registering for the conference by filling out the registration form given below. The registration form has to be filled out by the participant in the conference, i.e. the corresponding author. The name of the uploaded REGISTRATION FORM must be given as:


for example, for the participant John Newman, the name of the registration form should be:


The registration form should be attached to the link below no later than June 15th, 2023. EXTENDED July 1st, 2023.


1. 7. 2023.

  • After receiving a confirmation email from the Organizing Committee, regarding the successful registration, the authors can start with the preparation of the full paper. The number of pages per paper is up to 4, maximum. Lectures of the invited speakers will be printed in full-length (8 pages maximum). The submission of the manuscript can be done in .doc or .docx format. The Paper Template provides detailed manuscript preparation guidelines to be followed by the authors. Only papers written according to the instructions will undergo peer review; some deviations from the proposed form are acceptable and will be corrected by the members of the Organizing Committee. The name of the uploaded PAPER must be given as:


for example, for the participant John Newman, the name of the paper should be:


The registration form should be attached to the link below no later than August 1st, 2023.


1. 8. 2023.

  • All submitted papers will be checked by the members of the scientific committee and sent for independent review. After the corrections have been made and the review process has been completed, it is necessary to submit the corrected version of the paper to the previous link. The name of the uploaded CORRECTED paper must be given as:


for example, for the participant John Newman, the name of the corrected paper should be:


  • After a positive review and acceptance of the paper, as well as the payment process of the registration fee is completed, the papers will be published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics (ICCBIKG_2023). ISBN and CIP data will be assigned to the collection of works.

  • Presentation of the results of the accepted paper at the conference is possible in the form of a poster and an oral presentation. In order to achieve uniformity, conference templates have been created which can be downloaded below. The poster presentation format is set to a default B1 paper size (1000 x 707 mm or 39,37 x 27,83″). The file type of the poster presentation should be .pdf, and it needs to be uploaded due to the hybrid type of conference. On the other hand, the duration of the oral presentation should be:

Invited speakers

25 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion

Section lecturers

20 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion

Regular participants

10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion

For any additional information, contact the organizing committee using the email address:

For more information, please contact:

+381 34 6100195

Institute for Information Technologies Kragujevac, University of Kragujevac, Jovana Cvijića bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

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© 2023 by International Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics 2023 (ICCBIKG_2023)

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