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Prof. Dr. Rino Ragno


Full Professor

Pharmacy and Medicine Faculty, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Prof. Dr Rino Ragno is a full professor at the Pharmacy and Medicine Faculty, Sapienza University of Rome where is in charge to teach medicinal chemistry at bachelor, master and PhD level. In 1989 he finished the 5-year thesis in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at Sapienza University of Rome. Since 1990 he is enrolled in Sapienza University of Rome. In 1996-1998 he spent two years at the Center for Molecular Designlab directed by prof Garland Marshal ad Washington University of St Louis (MO - USA). Since 1999, he started a new med chem design lab ( with the aim to apply computational methodologies in the field of medicinal chemistry. In 2005 he was awarded by the Italian Chemical Society - Italian division of medicinal chemistry for its research in medicinal chemistry. From 2000 to 2010 he was an assisant professorand form 2010 20 2022 associate professor at Sapienza University of Rome. Since 2015 he is in charge of leading the Sapienza MOOC Team to produce new MOOCs from Sapienza. He published 160 international papers (155 listed in and presented more than 160 posters/oral communications at international meetings.
The main fields of the research are:
• Computational Medicinal Chemistry.
• Development of new QSAR and 3-D QSAR methods.
• Extraction, analysis and biological activity of essential oils.
• Development of scientific web sites ( and
• Drug Design through computational techniques: machine learning, molecular docking.

• Virtual Screening to select new potential bioactive compounds.

For more information, please contact:

+381 34 6100195

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